Length: 11.5 minutes
At DAGR we excel at working with clients to provide the best possible fixture configurations for each application, taking into account the location and environment, and cost of installation. This webinar covers different terminology that you might find on a spec sheet for an LED fixture, terms to look out for, and how to determine which configuration of a fixture will work best for you.
Length: 6.5 minutes
In order to establish the number and type of fixture required for a project, the amount of light needed for each area must first be determined. This webinar covers how light is measured and quantified, typical values for fixtures, requirements for different areas, and how proper lighting design can provide accurate predictions prior to installation.
Length: 8 minutes
Lighting design is a key element of what we do at DAGR. When approached by a client to undertake design work, the main deliverables – alongside the quote – are the lighting layouts and illuminance schematics. This webinar covers lighting layouts and how to understand them, including what to look for and how to compare layouts from different sources.